You can now enjoy Untitled Goose Game with a friend, in a new two-player cooperative mode. A town full of people just trying to get on with their day.Make your way around town, from peoples’ back gardens to the high street shops to the village green, setting up pranks, stealing hats, honking a lot, and generally ruining everyone’s day. Untitled Goose Game is a slapstick-stealth-sandbox, where you are a goose let loose on an unsuspecting village. Languages : EN, JA, FR, DE, ES, IT, PT, PL, RU, KO, CHS Game + Update 1.02 : Lets – Zippy – 1File

There are also several hidden optional objectives, many of which require traversing between multiple areas.Note : Link Zippy only use with Jdownload2

In the game’s ending, it is revealed the goose had stolen bells before the game. There, the goose steals a bell, before going back through the previous areas while the villagers try to stop them. After completing four areas, the goose enters a miniature model of the village. When enough of these objectives are cleared, an additional objective is added, which, once cleared, allows the goose to move onto the next area. The village is split up into multiple areas, which each have a to-do list of objectives to accomplish, such as stealing particular objects or tricking humans into doing specific actions. It will help you with the quiz.PLOTSet in a middle-class English village, Untitled Goose Game sees players control a goose as they use their ability to honk, flap their wings, and grab objects with their beak to bother various human villagers. So if you have any suggestions, please email.To win this little game, read the plot below. Then this is a good knowledge grade for you.In the next version, I'm planning to add more levels of questions. You love goose and want to annoy people around small english town. Untitled Goose Game quiz the most fun and challenging trivia.